YOU WOULD expect the food at the forthcoming Bournemouth’s Arts By The Sea festival to be dramatic.

Next Saturday from noon to 10pm in Bournemouth Square there will be the chance to sample lashings of colourful gourmet street food.

Theatrical pizza gardens, huge smoking mushrooms, and a Silver Rocketeer Art Deco cocktail bar are just some of the exciting ‘guerrilla’ style gourmet street food sellers coming to town especially for this year’s Arts by the Sea Festival, opening day and night on September 29.

The event will welcome some of the world’s greatest culinary experiences including Carlito Burrito, selling high quality Mexican street food from a grass covered street food van.

The company was founded by Andrew Barlow and Carlos Riestra in the spring of 2010.

Andy Barlow is a professional music producer for more than 20 years and a foodie enthusiast.

He has been very successful with his band Lamb (remember them?) and they just released independently their 5th album and currently are on a world tour.

Also keep an eye out for the famous Pomarolla Pizza Gardens, the theatrical Italian mobile pizzeria, inset, with striking visual impact – giant picture frames, big smoking mushrooms and zebra striped climbing walls and Italian chefs serving with a theatrical twist.

There will also be an outdoor Rotisserie serving up meaty treats.

One of the most eye-catching spectacles will be the art deco Silver Rocketeer cocktail lounge set in an original Spartan Aircraft Travel Coach, pictured above.

The polished silver aluminium antique was salvaged from an Ohio forest where it had been used as a camp for deer hunters since the end of World War II.

Bournemouth Arts by the Sea Festival’s opening day will turn the town centre into a hub of extraordinary arts events from noon to late.

Full programme at