Okay folks, today we're looking for your aubergine recipes. Salted, fried, slathered in cheese and baked or chopped up small for a ratatouille.

How do you like them? How do you cook them? Most importantly, how do you prepare them?

Here's one of my favourites, from Anjum Anand's Anjum's New Indian.

You can get gram flour and fresh curry leaves in Indian supermarkets (and in fact in most Asdas now).

If you can't get rice flour it will work with ordinary, but be warned your batter won't be as crispy.

I've also made it without mango powder and that works just fine too. You could try subistuting some of the water for a teaspoon of fresh orange juice if you want to keep the fruity taste.

* 6 tbsp gram flour (chickpea flour)

* 3 tsp rice flour

* ½ tsp red chilli powder

* 2 tsp ground cumin

* 2 tsp ground coriander

* 1 tsp dried mango powder

* salt, to taste

* 180ml/6fl oz cold water

* 2 medium aubergines, washed and cut into 0.5cm rounds

* vegetable oil, for frying

* 15 fresh curry leaves, to garnish (optional) Mix the gram flour, rice flour, chilli powder, ground cumin, ground coriander and mango powder with a little salt, then add the cold water, whisking continuously to form a batter.

Heat the oil in a deep heavy-based frying pan.

Dip the aubergine slices into the batter one by one and carefully lower them into the hot oil in batches.

Fry for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until crisp and golden-brown on both sides and completely cooked through.

Remove from the oil with a slotted spoon and set aside to drain on kitchen paper.

If you're using the curry leaves, heat a little oil in a separate frying pan, add the curry leaves and fry for 1-2 minutes, or until crisp. Remove from the pan and drain on kitchen paper, then sprinkle with a salt and use to garnish the aubergine.

Try another of Anjum's recipes