Sweet Corn and Potato Tortilla Tortillas are great warm or cold. Cold wedges make excellent picnic food or in the packed lunch box. Serves four.

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 large onion, finely sliced
  • 680g potatoes, peeled & finely sliced
  • 110g chorizo, sliced thinly
  • 5 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme
  • 340g Green Giant Sweet Corn, drained

In a non-stick frying pan, heat one tablespoon oil. Add the onion and gently fry until golden and soft.

Add the potatoes and chorizo, cover with a lid and cook until the potatoes are very soft, stirring occasionally.

Turn the contents of the pan out onto a large plate to cool slightly. In a large bowl, beat the eggs and mix in the thyme and sweet corn.

Add the cooled, cooked potatoes and onions to the egg mixture and season with black pepper. Heat the remaining olive oil in the frying pan.

Pour the potato and egg mixture in and cook over a medium heat, covered, for 10/12 minutes until the tortilla is just set and golden underneath.

Invert a large flat baking sheet over the pan and quickly turn out the tortilla. Then slide back into the pan and cook for a further 3/4 minutes on the other side until golden and set.