Bread Sauce

1 loaf of white bread preferably a day or two old

1 ltr (2 pints) full cream milk

1 small onion or shallot studded with 1 bay leaf and 4 cloves (push clove through the bay into the onion)

2 tsp salt

25g butter

2 tablespoon double cream

fresh nutmeg to grate over

Remove the crust from the bread and break into chunks If the bread is not slightly stale already, leave the pieces to dry out.

Pour the milk into a saucepan. Add the studded onion and salt. Then bring to the boil and simmer to infuse for 4 minutes. Put the chunks of bread into a food processor or liquidizer pour the milk mixture through a fine sieve onto the bread and blend to a creamy consistency add the double cream and butter then the finely grated nutmeg.

Check seasoning, transfer to a serving jug and enjoy.