I AM writing regarding the proposed increase in parking charges, especially in the town centre.

I appreciate the fact that there are some cheap car parks if one wishes to visit the shops during the day, but as an older woman who likes to attend the cinema, theatre and go dancing at the Pavilion on a Thursday, I do not feel safe returning alone to a multi-storey car park at night.

Surely it would encourage people to use the seafront facilities – which the council has spent vast amounts improving – if there was a flat rate of say 80p an hour after 7pm?

I notice some rates around the area are to increase by 100 per cent. Is this really fair?

We live in a beautiful town. So much that the council does to enhance our surroundings is commendable. The gardens are stunning, the Pier Approach looks great. Don’t deter us from enjoying these facilities.

You never know, more people may well come if they knew it wouldn’t cost so much to get a glimpse of the sea.

JENNY BROOME Portland Road, Winton