I LOVE film trailers. I’ve noticed I begin to get a bit twitchy if I’m not sat down in the cinema to watch them in time.

To me it's all part of the experience: to have your appetite whetted and pass judgement on films you might want to see or avoid in the future.

On Saturday afternoon, whilst waiting for Inception to begin (besides getting distracted by the fact that lots of people in the premium section were sat in the wrong seats, most of them knowingly) I noticed the trailer for Pirhana 3D.

The 3D horror starring Christopher Lloyd, Richard Dreyfuss and Kelly Brook is out in August and looks, well, um,...interesting?

It looks pretty silly to say the least, unless you're a fan of the likes of Anaconda, Arachnophobia, Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus etc, in which case, this one's for you!

Which brings us nicely on to the topic of bad films: what’s been the worst film you’ve seen? Have you ever walked out of the cinema? Or, if you make a bad choice, are you determined to sit through it until the bitter end?