LARGE chunks of the ill-fated Waterfront Imax building are due to disappear today.

As the building gets smaller, Bournemouth will start to get back some of the view that used to exist along a stretch of Bath Hill.

That view may only have been there between the demolition of the swimming baths in 1986 and the building of the Waterfront in 1998, but people missed it.

The Waterfront building, whose giant-screen cinema failed to draw the crowds when it was open, became the ugly villain the town loved to hate.

But when it’s gone, we might look around and be reminded that the neighbouring flyover and the Pier Approach buildings are not so pretty either. Even the BIC isn’t exactly Salisbury Cathedral.

The disappearance of this big empty building may be welcome. But it’s important that the efforts to improve our resort don’t stop there.