BOURNEMOUTH residents may think the town hit an all time low when they complained about the former Imax cinema to such an extent that the council had to spend £10 million of council taxpayers’ money to repurchase the building and demolish it.

But wait, the latest architectural monstrosity to grace Bournemouth town centre makes the Imax cinema look like a design by Sir Christopher Wren! How you might wonder, could that be?

Anyone travelling down Terrace Road to Exeter Road as I did today, will now be faced by a huge wall of cement cut through by angular cheese-like slices.

Perhaps the processed cheese shapes are subliminal messages to entice hungry customers to the numerous fast food shops that will be renting sites at the vast cinema complex being built on the former car park/former bus station site.

This huge cubist cinema has no redeeming features to soften the structure or detail to add interest.

It may have looked good on the drawing board of architects and developers who don’t have to live here but close up, ie a couple of roads away, it looks out of scale for the area and quite hideous to the eye.

I understand it cost developers £50 million, which looks to me like a wasted opportunity and one that we will sadly have to live with... yet again.


Surrey Road, Branksome