I’D like to respond to the article in the Echo of 8 October ... ‘I feared I would die' says victim (who was attacked by a gang of up to 20 people in Bournemouth town centre).

Shouldn’t we be disturbed that, yet again, there is a victim of violent crime? It seems certain night spots in Bournemouth regularly turn out those who, either drug or drink-fuelled, are spurred to violent crime and so many innocent bystanders get badly hurt. People are getting rather fed up with the trouble that arises out of these ‘cumulative impact areas’ and that we undoubtedly need tough licensing rules to curb this dreadful stain on Bournemouth’s reputation.

It is routine now to find very distressing pictures of those who have suffered the effects of violence on our streets, as shown in our Echo, and I wonder what happened to ‘family friendly’ policies that were welcomed. There is no doubt in my mind that Bournemouth Council’s licensing department needs to be very firm on the issue of licensing if it hopes to have any impact on what goes on late at night.

KAREN E LAWMAN, Marlborough Road, Bournemouth