HAVING read the comments by Poole Council, in the Echo (September 14) on the matter of fining litter offenders, I think we must have one of the weakest, ineffective councils in the country. Shaun Robson, Head of Environment, says littering is an “emotive issue” and there is “anecdotal” evidence that residents want the council to take action.

Well of course it’s emotive – the vast majority of people are sick to death with endless junk littering in our streets year after year.

And of course the public want action. Any doubt then put “litter” into the Echo website and see the 1,565 hits.

In fact looking into this I see the legisation to issue penalty fines goes back to the Environment Act in 1990, then more legislation to encourage councils to fine litterers in 2005, yet still Poole council in 2012 is unbelievably not sure what to do.

As for Councillor Tony Trent and other councillors not feeling too “comfortable” about a private company issuing fines, then okay councillors get up at five in the morning and come out and clean the filthy streets for a month. In the end the attitude of council smacks to me of extreme liberalism – anything goes, we never take any offenders to task in case we offend the offender.

DAVE HOWIE, Bournemouth Road, Poole