THERE is a perceived problem of parking in Stirling Road/Roslin Road Talbot Woods.

There is no problem of course, just a lot of people choose to park there during the day to shop in Winton or attend the nearby university.

The road is wide enough to accommodate parking on both sides of the road and still leave enough room for vehicles to drive through and for emergency vehicles to pass down unhindered should that be necessary, however some months ago a notice was displayed advising that the council were going to lay yellow lines with restrictions on parking during the day.

The notice called for objectors to email into the council or contact them with any issues. I duly e mailed and assumed the matter had been resolved.

Recently, the yellow lines were laid.

The only result of this action is to move the problem into another residential street or dissuade people from coming to Winton to shop or conduct business.

The High Street is already blighted by shops closing and standing empty; it is a high street where traditional shops are failing and we see charity shops, betting shops and fast food outlets proliferate – businesses of a sort but not at all what the area needs to regenerate and be successful.

Additionally local residents are no longer able to park in the area of their dwellings as the few spaces that remain are taken by students attending the University.

So apart from spending their budget on projects to justify their existence what have the Highways’ department achieved by their action?

Nothing positive and a negative impact on the very people who contribute to the rates that pay for this type of work to be done.

Surely the council’s mission should be to help local business and residents not hinder them?

JOHN BETAMBEAU, Stirling Road, Bournemouth