I TOO am saddened by the demise of Queen’s Park pond (Letters, September 29). However apart from the weed there is another reason for this – the number of dogs that are encouraged to swim in it.

One evening this summer I witnessed four large dogs, being encouraged by their owners to run in after balls, frighten a little family of coots on the pond.

I saw tadpoles in the shallows at the edge on one occasion but what chance do they stand with dogs splashing about and urinating in the water? There was even mess on the wooden decking.

I did telephone the relevant council department but they were not particularly concerned, saying there was no law to stop dogs going in the pond but surely a notice could be put up requesting owners not to encourage their dogs into the pond.

I am sure if one of them got strangled in the weed something would be done.

A SIMPSON, Firbank Road, Bournemouth