I MUST agree with your previous letters on the fate of the Imax.

Although in favour of pulling it down when it was first suggested, I think an ice rink, swimming pool with lots of extras like wave machine, slides and diving boards, is the best way to go.

We certainly need something in the town centre to keep our many visitors occupied in wet summers.

The Westover ice rink, Pier Approach baths and Winter Gardens were three of the best facilities we had, and now they are all gone.

My children enjoyed many happy years using them.

It would be nice to see my grandchildren having the same opportunity.

Definitely a no to the open air idea.

Put it out to the people of Bournemouth and let’s have a referendum please.

I know what the result would be. Also, it would be a good idea to put the bus station back to where it belongs.

It’s total mayhem where it is at the moment. Obviously our councillors don’t use buses.

YVONNE MAPLE, Winton, Bournemouth