I FULLY accept that ceasing collections during the Christmas week is sensible and as far as the black bin collections everybody suffers the same.

But yet again Poole Borough Council have spectacularly failed to use some intelligence and grasp the nettle.

On Monday, December 10 the residents of the Monday two recycle round get their recycling collected but not until Monday, January 7 does their blue bin get emptied again.

This is sheer madness from PBC.

What needs to happen is that on Friday, January 21 the residents on the Friday one recycle round get their blue bins emptied as per the existing arrangements, but crucially when the collections start again on Monday, December 31, instead of the Monday one round being done again, it should be the Monday two round after which the every other week rota restarts in its new position.

Doing it this way everybody suffers a manageable three-week break in collections every year, whereas under the existing rota half of the residents suffer no break at all and the other half go for a full month without collections, and we all know where the recycling that won't fit in the full to overflowing bin will end up.

Come on Poole, find somebody who can get it sorted out.

ALAN GILBERT, Plantagenet Crescent, Bearwood