MAYBE it’s cynicism on the part of this reader but Eneco’s coyness regarding the details of the proposed Navitus Bay wind farm seems to bear the hallmark of a well-tried formula.

A developer, contemplating a sensitive project, publicises the project but on an exaggerated scale.

Responding to public outrage, local MPs flock to oppose the project.

The developer apparently backs down and settles for a project reduced to the size originally intended.

Everyone’s a winner!

The developer gets his project and the MPs win political kudos for their defence of democracy.

Meanwhile a gullible public rests happy in the belief that good old British compromise has again triumphed.

Yet spare a thought for our migratory birds when the windmills go up.

At the end of an exhausting and perilous journey, they will have to run the gauntlet of a monstrous mincing machine straddling their flight path.

FA FORD, Elphinstone Road, Highcliffe, Christchurch