WE have all read about the Imax problem, the cost of purchase and now the proposed cost of demolition, some £2m.

To demolish a perfectly sound building because some residents object to its appearance and loss of view seems the worst possible solution. Maybe the red brick BIC building should go? Its appearance is far worse.

The main objection to the Imax appears to be the loss of sea views when descending the hill from the Royal Bath hotel to the pier. If this is the case then why not use modern technology and project the view on the back wall, and maybe the sides? Trees and schrubs could also be used to enhance the appearance.

The cost would be insignificant compared with the £2m for demolition and the additional cost to convert it to a landscaped open space. We have miles of open space along the beach and more in our beautiful gardens. What we need is enclosed space to improve Bournemouth's rating when the weather is poor.

Use some of the saved money to subsidise businesses willing to use the space inside the Imax, for say two years. Included should be numerous activities for children and young adults, eg, climbing wall, gym, pool, table tennis, ball games hall, badminton etc. Restaurants, bars, shops and cinemas, spas could also be included.

Bournemouth council should use a little more imagination.

RON BRYANT, address supplied