IT IS very sad to read about people losing their jobs at Bournemouth Airport . Certainly after millions have been invested in improving the buildings and infrastructure.

However, any company that relies on repeat business needs to maintain the good will of its customer base.

Anyone who runs a hotdog stand to a High Street Bank soon learns this very basic principle or (as we have seen) loses customers.

This confounded drop off/pick up charge of £2.50 is the proverbial straw on the camel’s back.

The old airport was in many ways a much better place and was far more welcoming.

Locals dropped in for a coffee or a meal and watched the planes.

Nobody minded car park charges if they got something in return.

I, like many local people have used Bournemouth Airport this year, but will do my utmost to find an alternative for future flights.

Southampton Airport is a shining example, with the advantage of good roads in and out. It has a free drop off point and its own station, it is a pleasure to use and an example of how a small airport should be run.

JIM O’BRIEN, Cynthia Road, Poole