HAVING read the article in last week’s postbag concerning “Fining householders over bin timing” I am writing to say that I couldn’t agree more with this reader.

The times of the actual collection of all my bins – black, blue and now green has varied so much over the years that I have lived here, that unless a strict timetable is offered by the council for each road, I feel it would be unfair of the council to fine people.

I agree it would be impractical to fine householders who have to go out to work as, obviously, these people can only put their bins out before they leave for work but also spare a thought for us pensioners.

One of my bins is emptied now at approximately 7.30am.

Both my neighbour and I are pensioners and neither of us get up out of bed before 8am; not because we are lazy, but because surely we have earned the right to have an extra hour or two in bed having spent most of my working life getting up before 6am.

Therefore, to ensure that my bin is emptied, I find it necessary to put my bins out the night before along with most other householders in my road – both workers and pensioners alike. If the council wishes to fine anyone, I feel that they should concentrate their efforts on fining the litter louts who flagrantly drop their litter anywhere particularly during the evenings, with anything from bottles, empty cans and fast food containers.