I READ with great amusement the letter ‘Need to support new Imax Plan’.

Mr Beesley is disappointed to read the Echo editorial (April 26) and no doubt the constructive letters about the Imax. Oh dear, what a shame.

Over the last year and especially the last few weeks there have been many letters in the Echo from local residents and successful businessmen showing imagination and vision regarding the future of the Imax.

The one by Council Leader Beesley is sadly not one of them.

His only plan is to waste millions of pounds by purchasing the Imax, losing the annual rent of businesses that could be successful there and then demolishing it.

His plan also omits the millions of pounds every year that the local economy would benefit from visitors enjoying the many exciting indoor leisure attractions that the Imax could have.

With two Bournemouth Council leaders being forced to resign in fairly quick succession , Mr Beesley needs to be aware of the rational views of others if he wants to survive in this position.

Yet another more sensible plan worthy of public support, not ridicule, is needed.