FANTASTIC, what a success story, Cllr Xena Dion states (Echo, March 5) that 12,500 households in Poole will have their garden waste picked up.

What are the other 55,000 householders going to do with theirs?

Lots of these are widows, pensioners etc who are struggling to survive and have no transport to take their weeds (you don’t compost weeds) to the tip.

Life is difficult enough for them already, why make it worse.

If you can’t afford green bins for all let us use plastic bags for now – other councils do and they don’t charge. The refuse lorry will be passing everyone’s house anyway.

You say if you don’t charge you will have a shortfall, but every council has a reserve account – those poor pensioners haven’t.

It can be a bin or heating.

If I were a councillor I would be ashamed, putting money you have saved on the backs of those you are supposed to be serving.

KEN ADAMS Glen Road, Poole