IT IS now some time since an Echo Opinion column called for answers about the planned wind farm in Poole Bay.

How visible will it be? Will it deliver enough energy to justify its environmental impact?

Since that time there has been lots of consultation, published reports and exhibitions. However are we today any wiser?

Will these wind turbines appear as a smudge on the distant horizon or as giants looming higher than the needles and Old Harry rocks.

Will they significantly cut Dorset’s carbon footprint or will they just impoverish us by pushing up electricity prices? Will Dorset folk have gained a grand new wind farm or a parasitic foreign company exploiting our environment for their own profit?

Sadly the answers provided so far are not as clear as they should be, or indeed as clear as they could be. Many folk don’t care. They have already made up their minds about wind farms so for them answers are irrelevant.

But for the rest of us, it is still not too late for all these questions to be answered fairly and so allow us to give our opinions sensibly.

DR MARTIN RODGER Bloxworth Road, Parkstone, Poole