READING another article about the failure of the Boscombe reef (Echo, February 28), would it be possible to make another reef on the other side of Boscombe Pier?

Some time ago a letter in the Daily Echo said it would be better because of the tide coming from the direction of the Purbecks.

A way of trying this would be to remove the ghastly stones along Castle Lane in front of the Memorial Homes and put them on the west of the pier.

Surely this would be a fraction of the cost of the failed reef.

If the stones were removed, a three to four foot high Kee Klamp iron fence should be put along Castle Lane in front of the Memorial Homes.

Behind the fence a four to five foot high floral hedge should also be planted. The view from the homes and Castle Lane would be much more attractive.

ALAN GERAULT, Bradpole Road, Bournemouth