I WOULD appreciate the opportunity to respond to RF Cooper’s letter (‘Disregard for us residents’, Daily Echo, March 7) which I feel misrepresents my position.

Far from disregarding the views of the ordinary resident I would like to point out that many Poole residents are extremely concerned about house prices in Poole and the lack of reasonably priced family homes and affordable housing.

Poole remains one of the most expensive areas in the country and development is severely constrained by the sea on one side and protected heathland and green belt on the other.

Contrary to statements in the letter, the inspector did not say there were adequate sites to meet the borough’s long-term requirements.

On the contrary, while there may be sufficient sites in the short term in the regeneration area, there is almost certainly insufficient across Poole in the longer term.

In recognition of the pressing need for affordable housing the council unanimously agreed in this year’s budget to allocate an additional £200,000 to support delivery of this aim.

CLLR MIKE WHITE, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration, Borough of Poole