I ATTENDED a meeting of the Friends of Bournemouth Centre for Community Arts.

I am extremely disappointed that Bournemouth Borough Council refuses to throw its support behind their business plan to save the only arts centre in Boscombe.

The not-for-profit plan is good for local people, especially youngsters looking for a safe and inspiring place to learn job skills, with the help of local businesses.

With so many thousands of young people unemployed this is just the sort of community project Bournemouth Borough Council should be supporting.

What exactly does the Big Society mean to Bournemouth council when it would rather demolish a wonderful arts centre (and the aspirations of hundreds of volunteers who would be willing and able to bring this centre back to life) just so it can build a few more low quality flats? Please Boscombe, join the fight to keep your public spaces public.

DAMIEN STONE Birchdale Road, Wimborne