I went to an ENECO exhibition, and can only totally agree with the letter from Elizabeth Clarke (‘Language of propaganda’ Echo, March 2).

The worst, and most misleading exhibition board, was the one purporting to show the the view from the shore of the turbines; they looked tiny and innocuous. However, if you go to <&bh"http://www.challengenavitus.org.uk">www.challengenavitus.org.uk<&eh> and click on to the videos you can view the 3D animations which highlight the true visual horror created by what would be the largest off-shore windfarm in the world.

The Government is reducing subsidies on Solar energy and on-shore windfarms, so the concentration now will be on off-shore windfarms.

So a major battle lies ahead if this rape of Poole Bay is to be stopped.

John Peek Manor Road, Bournemouth