YES, indeed let’s not re-write history (letter from Cllr Brian Clements, March 2).

Suffice to say, when Glenda Jackson (then a Labour minister for transport) came to Poole following the removal of the high-level bridge from their roads programme, she promised, in the light of all the support for a second harbour crossing from the 25,000-plus People’s Petition and the Daily Echo’s Bridge to the Future campaign, “that something needs to be done for Poole”.

It was following this that the option for a second lifting bridge, to be largely funded by developers’ contributions, was offered to Poole.

I also have a very clear recollection of how incensed Cllr Clements was that a member of his group had dared to join a non-political group in order to raise the said petition and how he was forbidden to take any further part, and neither did Cllr Clements nor any of his colleagues take copies of the petition from us in order to collect signatures.

Poole’s Bridge petition, collected in six short weeks, remains the largest petition ever received by Parliament in favour of a road scheme and it is widely acknowledged as a significant factor in finally achieving Poole’s second harbour crossing.

Considerable thanks are due to the Echo for its unflagging support and to more than 25,000 individuals who signed up for Poole’s future prosperity.

CLLR ANN STRIBLEY, Chairman, Bridge Action Team