WHILST waiting for my able-bodied daughter to finish her shopping at Sainsbury’s (Pitwines, Poole), I was amazed to know so many disabled drivers did their shopping there at the same time – 10.30am on Friday, February 17 (that is probably a fraction of those that park there throughout the day).

Just how many disabled are there in Poole alone, I wonder?

Every parking bay, and there are 24 of them, was taken up.

I got quite angry, when I noticed most of the lone drivers had been in for their shopping, walking round the aisles, then walking back to their cars to unload shopping, then back to replace trolleys, then back to vehicle – all without walking aids or wheelchairs.

My dear aunty (God rest her soul) when so very fragile through using dialysis for over 30 years, was assumed fit enough not to qualify for an electric wheelchair when she went to be assessed quite a few years ago. Why?

Because, when asked by medical people to show how far she could walk – doing her very best – she must have managed to walk about 30 feet.

Therefore she was denied an electric wheelchair and had to have a manual wheelchair.

This is what angered me and prompted me to put pen to paper.

All the cars at Sainsbury’s that recent day had disabled badges displayed.