THE letter “What’s happened to council homes?” (Have Your Say, January 30) letter suggests that Bournemouth Borough Council is failing to provide much-needed housing, which is untrue.

Bournemouth is actively engaged in a programme to provide additional housing in the borough.

The council is an approved partner on the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Local Authority New Build programme and able to bid for HCA funding.

Jointly with HCA and NHS we have already recently created a 20-unit Extra Care scheme for residents with the onset of dementia and we have delivered 12 additional family homes in Bournemouth in the last two years.

The council has been successful in a bid for more HCA funding and subject to contract and cabinet approval, we will look to build a further 105 residential properties over the next three years.

The balance of funding is made up through prudential borrowing via the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB).

The PWLB offers very favourable interest rates to councils.

This method of funding enables the council to provide additional housing in the most cost effective manner.

SIMON LUDGATE Head of housing technical services, Bournemouth Borough Council