YET again Bournemouth Council are stepping in with both feet, or probably with all four. This crazy idea of putting a children’s playground adjacent to the Queen’s Park Golf Course and Pavilion, is yet another example of not checking out the need before going ahead.

As the Strouden play areas are well attended and used by families that have easy access to that area, what is the point of building a new facility at Queen’s Park, which will not be within walking distance, and therefore if they are going to use it, which is highly unlikely, they are going to have to go by car.

Where is the parking, as many times there are not enough spaces for the golfers? The area surrounding the proposed site at Queen’s Park does not have the proportion of children to adults to warrant a playground.

Many properties are multi-occupancy, and where there are families, they all appear to have their own playgrounds in their gardens.

I cannot believe the amount of money that the council are about to waste, yet again.

They should have taken over the old Westover Ice Rink building and reinstated it as an ice rink, instead of the pie in the sky idea of putting one in King’s Park.

Perhaps the council members should listen to what the residents want for their town, after all they were elected by us, but they just seem to carry on wasting our money and pushing forward without enough consultation.

I have never seen any of our current councillors, not even when they were out touting for votes pre-local election time.

Very different to 20+ years ago when the candidates were out every day and evening, both before and after the election.

Wake up council – revamp your existing playgrounds and stop trying to force unwanted development.

I’m a Queen’s Park resident for longer than I care to remember.