WHEN I was earning a living I visited many parts of England with my wife, including Dorset.

Avon Beach was a favourite location, sometimes for our snack and coffee flask and sometimes the cafe. The car park was always free then. This stop and others nearby, convinced my wife that Highcliffe was to be our retirement area. This came somewhat earlier than expected. We have then been customers for some 35 years at least.

I wonder how many times council officials or councillors have visited Avon Beach Cafe on a regular basis.

To call it a cafe is in my view a misnomer. It always has the atmosphere of a social club with so many regulars.

There can be no doubt that the proposal for the council to take over the car park and create a pay-and-display car park will affect the Avon Beach.

The only reason I can see for the council action is it will become ‘a nice little earner’.

Not knowing the financial arrangement it is hard to comment but surely some compromise could have been found?

Why upset so many people for the eventual financial gain? How much I wonder?

CA THORNTON, Oakleigh Way, Christchurch