REFERENCE comments from the deputy chairman of the Moordown Committee (Echo November 4) concerning my letter published November 2, 2011.

I write to say I did not connect the ‘Halifax’ crash at Moordown, which happened during the night, to the crash of a mosquito in daylight which my dear wife Muriel witnessed at Throop.

I am aware of the crash site at Moordown because till 1937 I lived near it in Malvern Road. I have memories of the crash on March 1944. It was a few weeks before I was called up to the Royal Navy.

A report at the times said as the plane came down a chimney pot was hit on Mr Claws’ house in Malvern Road.

If my memory is still correct, at one time Mr Hansford, a harness repairer, lived in one of the cottages hit. I would take a horse’s bridle there to be stitched.

Details and date of the crash at Throop are in the book I mentioned in my first letter.

REG TILLER, Western Close, Northbourne