CYCLE accident victim Lindsi Bluemel is still reported as being helmetless even though medics have confirmed a helmet would not have prevented her injuries.

Every article mentions this, very little is said about unsafe loads, roadside clearance or the fact that cyclists are forced to ride in a rubbish-strewn gutter on our major arterial route.

Andrew Hammond, head of road safety at the AA, is calling for an end to zebra crossings because of ‘the reluctance of motorists to stop’.

So, because drivers care less for vulnerable road users, we should switch to crossings that inconvenience pedestrians and give priority to the motorist.

PC Rob Hammond tells us that cyclists without lights are ‘a danger to other road users’.

I have scoured the road safety websites and nowhere is unlit cyclists presented as a danger to others in this way.

I doubt this ‘fact’ is taught in police training. In any case, a car in this situation is surely being driven without due care and attention.

If the police are serious about keeping our cyclists safe, where is the clampdown on dangerous overtaking, abuse of ASLs and driving in compulsory bike lanes?

MIKE CHALKLEY, Chairman, Bournemouth Cycling Forum