WE wish to object most strongly to the proposed traveller’s site at Careys Road, Throop.

We have lived in Careys Road for 53 years. For over 30 years we have lived with the blight of the proposed Castle Lane Relief Road which if built would go through our plot.

When my daughter got married 30 years ago, we inquired with Bournemouth Town planning about building a bungalow on our plot for her to live in. This was turned down on the basis of our land being green belt and also because of the relief road.

We have two grandsons. Approximately two years ago we inquired about the possibility of a bungalow or a static caravan on our land. Again we were told there was no possibility due to the same reasons.

Now 250 yards from my property they are proposing to place a travellers’ site to accommodate five residential pitches. It is entirely unfair that this totally unsuitable plot could be used for this purpose when we cannot build ourselves due to planning restrictions. Could therefore we now place static caravans on my site for our grandsons and they will be considered travellers? As we are now both in our 70’s we would like someone to be on hand should we have any problems.

ROY & AILEEN GILLINGHAM, Careys Road, Throop