I WHOLEheartedly agree with the comments put forward in Saturday’s Echo by Hugh Slavin with regards to Fleetsbridge roundabout.

According to Poole traffic manager Steve Tite, the difference between traffic lights and no traffic lights is 4.32 accidents a year.

For the hundreds of thousands of vehicles that use the roundabout every year, 4.32 accidents sounds like an amazingly low number, probably just a fraction of one per cent.

Where this saves £300,000 a year I find it incredible to believe.

He also comments on ‘less confident’ drivers. They never will gain confidence with Mr Tite’s reasoning.

Look at this problem another way.

Should Poole Council make every effort to be green and try to save our planet? Yes, of course they should.

Sitting in your car at a red light waiting for invisible cars to go through green traffic lights costs millions of pounds and is a massive waste of the planet’s fast diminishing fossil fuels.

Also, the amount of gases that are very harmful to our planet are being pumped out at a terrifying rate while we sit in our cars waiting.

Come on, Poole Council, hold your hands up and say ‘We were wrong’ and do your bit to save our planet.