AT last, with the Greek crisis we see the full implication of the bankers’ hold over national economies.

If the bankers don’t like it we, the people, cannot have a vote on the outcome.

A debt crisis the people never entered into is to be paid off by the middle and poor classes. So say the bankers.

Not the politicians, who it is now becoming all too obvious, are only temporary pawns to the bankers.

A democratic vote is therefore denied or decried if any conceivable outcome could possible appear that would runs contrary to the best interests of the banks.

Greece must take a lashing whether or not it deserves it. So runs the mantra of the IMF to be quickly supported by countless, spineless, UE supportive politicians whose very job depends upon upholding the status quo.

We are told our own economy depends upon Greece stepping up to the mark and paying the bill.

How about our own debt when our turn comes? £4trillion in total by 2020? And not a democratic say or an explanation to be had over the missing £trillions.

So much for our shining example to the world of democracy. It was always smoke and mirror promises, all my life. Nothing has changed except this new creation. Debt!

DOUG MILLS, Fraser Road, Poole