DEAR Sirs,whilst I might fully agree with the motives of the Anti-Capitalist Protest outside London’s St Paul’s, I just cannot fully comprehend their methods.

I believe that they are strongly against the rich capitalists making so much money, whilst the poor have to suffer so many cutbacks.

I am okay with that. Last week’s reporters told us that many of those small tent enclosures lay empty during the late evening and night.

The protestors had gone back to their own secluded warm homes or flats and then returned the following morning.

It’s not really anything like Greenham Common. Had I have been involved, I could have come up with a perfect solution.

Invite the many poor London homeless to take up residence within your empty tents.

That way, the media with their technology would have seen warm bodies on their special heat camera’s, whilst you all party and go back to your comfy homes.

You could have invited them all to turn up around 5pm and then depart again around 9am the following morning.

Not only making your protest so strong and vigilant, but also providing some comfort to the poor in which you so defend.

Just my thought.

CHRISTINE PETERS, Wellington Road, Bournemouth