MY letter complaining about unreasonable behaviour of some cyclists, sparked up three tales of woe, that by today’s standards would have been accepted.

In 1946, I bought a new bike, it was complete with hub-dyno lights, mudguards, bell, even the rear mudguard had a white patch complete with reflector.

At that time the street lighting had just been switched on along the Blandford Road (Hamworthy) almost daylight, when a policeman stopped me, examined the bike and told me my rear light wasn’t of the correct size (1.5 inches). Even though the light was working, he still charged me and told me to walk and made sure I did.

For this I was fined ten shillings (my wages then was only 30 shillings a week).

My friend and I rode to Wimborne, came to a road junction, looked around no traffic about and rode on only to be stopped by a policeman who reported us for not stopping at the halt sign. We tried to say the road was clear to no avail, fined five shillings.

I was coming from Whitecliff with a bag of cockles across the crank and was walking in the old Kingland Crescent, when a bus inspector stopped me and told me I was going against the then one-way bus lane, made me go back to Seldown and go round the other way. He too made sure I did by watching me!

Three tales of woe.

Coming up to date, with what cyclists get away with today, (with tongue in cheek), can I reclaim my fines at today’s rates?

SILLY BOY 11 (address supplied)