ON arrival at Poole Hospital we entered the multi-storey car park, and on extracting a ticket from the machine, the words came on the screen “Welcome to Poole Hospital”.

On our departure six hours later, after having blood transfusions and first emptying our pockets at the pay machine, we proceeded to the exit in order to release the barrier. Inserting our ticket, the words on the screen came up “Hope you enjoyed your visit”, or words to that effect. It amused my wife and I so much, that we thought it could have been followed by “No? hard luck, better luck next time”.

Now I am certain that your readers could add their own comments to this, and I am sure it would be fun just to see them.

The intention no doubt is to bring on a lighter note, as to some people the visit could have much more serious connotations.

MR STACEY, Burton, Christchurch