I WOULD love to ask Bournemouth council through this page what problems they incur emptying green waste bins.

My mother-in-law is 85, partially sighted and walks very poorly so it was agreed a very long time ago that her waste bins would be collected from her property as she was unable to take them to the usual collection point on the main road herself.

Simple you may ask and in the case of refuse and recycling, it seems to work pretty well.

But our council is not very green-minded as they keep missing her green waste.

Last year, I rang on her behalf after most collection days which had been missed and always got an excuse but finally all was well mainly because by then the green waste had come to an end for the year.

Then this year, they start again and two weeks ago, it was missed and after a series of phone calls and complaints where I have still had no reply, it was mysteriously emptied early on a Saturday morning, but no reason or apology was forthcoming.

This week, green bin day arrived and yes unbelievably it was missed again.

This time the response from the call centre that takes all the complaints was even less help than usual.

So come on Bournemouth Council, keep green with little old ladies and keep my stress levels down and empty that bin.

ANNE CONNELLY, address supplied