POOLE’S civic parade in the church and along the Quay (Sunday, May 15) though well attended by our council, the Air and Sea Cadet Corps, the wonderful St Johns band in the lead but where was our colourful town crier?

After making a few enquiries it transpires that he was told by ‘the powers that be’ that yes he could go on parade but not in his regalia – what a let down!

Many times he has been seen to add quite a bit of colour, dignity and decorum with his presence and has been seen to add that little touch of ‘ye olde charm’ that Poole is in need of in these times. I suppose some smart alec will say its because of the cost cutting, but he only cost the council £1 a year and I and many others would say he is ‘worth every penny’.

There is one question at the back of my mind were the powers that be afraid that he might upstage a few people by being in his uniform?

I do hope that Mr Squire, our town crier, will not take this snub too seriously and continue to carry on. After 50 plus years of experience, I am sure he will.