MAY 9 is Europe Day or, as one might have guessed, ‘EU Day’! It will be the annual occasion when Brits should enjoy more street parties to celebrate the event, though as yet it hasn't been declared an international holiday by our masters in Brussels.

All kinds of things will no doubt happen somewhere in Europe. Exchange visits by twin town dignitaries and glad-to-be-European happenings, with the EU flag flown in all the member countries… or face the threat of a heavy fine!

Schools may have been ordered to hold a special assembly in which the glorious European Community must be lauded so that children will be made aware of how lucky they are to be living in such a great citadel of democracy and never mind that the people have been refused a voice in what they wish for their country.

There is another flag too that one may see flying that day. The flag that many proudly waved for the Royal Wedding last Friday.