IT was indeed sad to read in the Echo (April 26) about the problems associated with the return of the Bournemouth Eye Balloon, which in recent years has become such an icon of what the town has to offer.

Condolences go out to S&D Leisure who over the years have done so much else to brighten our town (Christmas market, Pier Approach Carousel etc). Sadly we have to accept that times they are a’changing.

Another example is on the pleasure boat scene where for years we had first Bolson’s Skylark boats and then for decades the Dorset Belle boats.

Today we have a company licensed to operate from Bournemouth Pier with just one boat who, for whatever reason, were unable to offer any trips landing at the Isle of Wight, Swanage or Brownsea Island over the two recent bank holidays.

Hopefully this situation could change for the busy summer months ahead, to avoid disappointment to those living in or visiting the town who have become accustomed to such availability from Bournemouth Pier over the years.

We live in a changing world.

JOHN WALKER, Grove Road, Bournemouth