I MUST correct Mr Prowse (letter March 17) concerning his estimation that there are 50 Dorset County Councillors when the correct figure is 45, there being 28 Conservatives, 16 Lib Dems and 1 Independent.

There has already been a reduction brought about by Poole and Bournemouth being made unitary authorities in 1996, whose total representatives totalled 32 members.

I well recall there being 77 members during the 16 years I represented Bournemouth’s Redhill Park and all districts, both rural and town were adequately represented.

Surely having 45 members, this amounts to 9,062 electors per electoral division of the county is well balanced and adequate.

Dorset, with a 407,800 population, has the smallest number of electors of the total number of 27 County Council Authorities and I would advise Mr Prowse to ‘let well alone’ and please don’t advocate further expenses on the council tax payers’ backs.

PHILIP WHITELEGG, Saxonhurst Close, Northbourne