UNDOUBTEDLY for many people, TV programmes such as Midsomer Murders kindle a feeling of nostalgia for the old English way of life.

Is the airing of such a view justification for suspending Brian True-May, the programme’s producer (Daily Echo March 16)?

When the late Mary Whitehouse campaigned for higher standards in broadcasting, she was pilloried by the so called ‘progressive liberal’ establishment as a bigoted censor.

Having established foul language, explicit sex and gratuitous violence as the mainstay of television, these same people now operate their own form of censorship.

Their persecution of anyone deemed a deviant from their rigid PC ideology is prosecuted with a ruthlessness reminiscent of the purges of Stalin’s secret police.

Stalin, of course, exercised totalitarianism under the guise of socialism. The current crop of tyrants do so under the guise of multiculturalism.

F A FORD, Elphinstone Road, Christchurch