I HAVE to agree with Christine Peters’s letter on Saturday relating to the upcoming royal wedding.

I too believe they could not have picked a worse time to not only splash out in public but also to force businesses up and down the country to close for yet another official bank holiday.

It’s probably great for employees but absolutely no good whatsoever to anyone struggling to survive in business today.

So, the whole economy must stop because of it?

I feel pleased for the royal family and sincerely hope they make a better go of it than William’s father.

However, I don’t think this is the right economy for the royals to be seen lashing it up publicly while the great unwashed struggle on.

The royals do a great deal of good for this country.

However, if they think a street party will cover up the unhappiness of society today, they are sadly deluded.

MIKE LEYTON, Bournemouth (full address supplied)