JUDGING by the letters from residents, the saga of the Imax continues.

From the beginning (more than 10 years ago), the building and site were both controversial – ending up with a very acrimonious full council meeting.

It has proved to be a mistake and it is time to move on.

The present plan, which is minus the top floor and horrendous-looking roof, seems to me the best option, with some sort of decoration on the back wall.

There seem to be some good suggestions coming from residents as to the contents and, hopefully, these will be taken up.

Another “asset” to the town was given approval at approximately the same time – the “Camera Obscura Café”.

The plan was welcomed by councillors.

We were all quite excited at this innovation and viewed it as an A1 asset.

Instead, all these years later, we still have just a Café.

To me, this is just another big let-down and the people of Bournemouth deserve better.

One wonders about the legal side of this venture and can only assume that loopholes were not tightened.

RUTH COOKE, Redhill Park, Bournemouth