I ALWAYS love to read Faith on Saturday, as well as serious issues ,her sense of humour always makes me smile too. Regarding her article about bad nurses, I feel I have to respond as I have had strong feelings about this for a long time.

A few years ago my husband was hospitalised for six weeks (two weeks in Bournemouth and four in Southampton) and as I attended every day, I acquired a good insight to hospital life.

I have always thought it takes a special sort of person to work in the caring profession regardless of their status and although I think this was the norm in years gone by, I do agree standards have dropped considerably.

Of course we do still have excellent nurses but unfortunately we also have an element of nurses who really do lack the compassion to do the job.

Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be anyone in charge on the wards, no matron cracking the whip as in days gone by. Is it any wonder standards have gone out of the window (not just nursing but cleanliness as well)?

I just wish the families of patients would complain more when in their opinion their loved ones are not being looked after properly.

M PRICE, Highwood Road, Poole