IN response to the correspondent (Daily Echo, February 22) who wrote criticising the decision of Dorset County Council to proceed with the improvements to Christchurch Library at a cost of £2.5m, surely it is obvious that this work is not only important in itself in getting the library up to present-day standards, but it also means investment and jobs in Christchurch at a time when they are sorely needed.

The Kelly’s restaurant lease expired eight years ago and the owners have had ample time (more, much more, than they would have got from a private landlord) to make alternative arrangements and, after a long struggle, the time has come for them to accept the inevitable and not to stand in the way of the necessary improvements and investment for the benefit of the wider society.

This is a classic case of dog-in-the-manger. However, in the end the public good must come first and Kellys can have no complaint about the fair treatment they have received from the council. To prolong this nonsense is moving into the realms of pure selfishness regardless of the needs of others.

So let’s have the new, improved library, to serve the many and provide work and jobs for local people. Full marks to Dorset County Council for standing by a decision that has always been the right way forward. This project was never more necessary than it is now.