Re: Kelly’s Kitchen in Christchurch and the closure of 20 Libraries across Dorset.

We are writing to you as we are unhappy with the position of Dorset County Council regarding Kelly’s Kitchen in Christchurch; also regarding the closure of 20 libraries across the rest of the county.

In closing Kelly’s Kitchen, the loss in taxes to the borough and your good selves will be large. Also, at least 20 young people will loose their jobs.

The monies you have “ring fenced” for the expansion is no longer valid as building costs have greatly increased. Also there are 2 spacious floors, largely unused and non-productive, above the ground floor.

Surely it would be better to utilise them and with the money saved you could keep the threatened libraries open and have some feathers in your caps come election time.

We go weekly to Kelly’s Kitchen and see the same people coming in week after week.

The service is by waitress and not cafeteria style like the coffee shops that have proliferated Saxon Square and the High Street.

Kelly’s is of great value to the whole community.

L WRIGHT & B FRANKS, Darby Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth