LEST We Forget. It is said that the Royal, newly-engaged couple may consider foregoing wedding presents in favour of donations to charities.

A laudable idea, but I hope it doesn’t steal my thunder.

This year the Royal British Legion is 90 years old! So am I.

When asked last year “What can you do for the RBL, the idea came – “What can I do without?”

So – my 90th birthday for instance. No celebrations, gifts etc, in favour of a donation to the Legion; my target £500.

Are there any more 90-year-old game old birds, be they hens or cockerels, who will do the same? Thankful they are at least alive.

Seventy years ago we were gay young things of 19 and 20. It was our school and boy friends who went off to France; some did not come back at Dunkirk. Many of the daring young men in their Spitfire machines were only 20 when they gave their lives in the Battle of Britain.

My Saturday night dancing partners were RM Commandos in training. Many lost at Dieppe. They were the ones ‘who did not grow old as we who were left have grown old.’

Our 90th birthdays are a special time to remember them by remembering their present day comrades-in-arms.

U TROKE, Vallis Close, Poole